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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Postcards from Chaos: Rant 1

Postcards from Chaos: Rant 1: "Rant 1
An Introduction to a Mad Poet

Also in the crowd with this loud-mouthed braggart was a poet, a scoundrel deliberately wrong-minded about the opinions of others, who begged to disagree.

An Introduction to a Mad Poet

Elegantly she steps, swaying as a slave-girl will sway,
showing her master skirts of trailing white.
And as we say to her, 'Let us hear from you,' she advances to us, her glance languid, chanting fluently in effortless song.

And, when the people demand, 'Who's the hero?' --
I suppose myself intended, and am not sluggish,
not dull of wit -- I am at her with the whip.


... the Mad Poet, yes, I hope you will find me bold, yes, very bold in saying that when first my eyes laid themselves upon you I knew that we were destined to become far more than mere good friends, indeed, that we should know an intimacy so far transcending our own small lives as the stars in the sky exceed our paltry grasp, -- indeed, that we would love with a love that was more than a love, -- yes, I love you, love you, love you -- smack smack smack (slobber all over her hands then drop them) and now you may go, -- get back to your dreary drudgery, wench -- yes, you are dismissed from our presence until we should require it again -- go, yes, go ...

Gifted am I, in Rawest Seasons, in Naked Magnificence,
Careless of where the next Bright Bolt may fall."