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Friday, March 30, 2007

Mr. Tides X 3.0r8 - Forecasts future ocean tides. (Free)

Mr. Tides X 3.0r8 - Forecasts future ocean tides. (Free): "

Mr. Tides X 3.0r8

Mr. Tides displays tide and current information for a variety of locations around the world. It can display the day's tides, the week's tides, or the month's tides in two different ways.

You select a station via the maps presented by Mr. Tides. The two types of stations are distinguished by the color of the dot on the map, blue for tide and yellow for current. If the dot is red, then there is more than one station at that location and you can select the specific station by clicking on the dot and having a pop-up menu appear.

A couple of tips:

  • Holding down the shift key when starting Mr. Tides will skip any previously opened map and opened station.
  • Holding down the option key when selecting a region (outlined in red on the map) will close the previous map.

I've written Mr. Tides so that the Macintosh can display tides. This program is based (roughly) on XTide 2.8 by Dave Flater. The XTide web page is a great source for tide program information. Mr. Tides is not a true C++ port of XTide, so please don't ask Mr. Flater about it. Mr. Tides is open-source under the GNU public software license. I hope you enjoy Mr. Tides. It was a lot of fun writing it! If you like it, then tell me! I'd love to hear from you.

As with all navigation software, you should not depend on this program as your sole means of navigation. The wise navigator uses all sources possible. Mr. Tides uses the tide algorithm and data derived in part by the U.S. Government, so the output is a prediction. It will sometimes not be accurate. Use at your own risk, and keep in mind that it may not match reality.
