First Word
Diddy pulls a Sting: P. Diddy bragged to a London tabloid that he had tantric sex with girlfriend Kim Porter for 'at least 30 hours' on their recent trip to Paris. The rap mogul with the ever-changing moniker claimed: 'As meticulous as I am with my work, I'm more meticulous with my lovemaking.' (TMZ)
Stand-up Bush and MC Rove: Nothing at Wednesday night's Radio and Television Correspondents' Association dinner matched Stephen Colbert's performance at last year's White House Correspondents Association dinner, but there was something great in seeing Karl Rove brought up onstage for an improvised rap in which he played MC Rove and jumped around a lot. (You can watch the performance here.) President Bush was in a joking mood, too: 'A year ago my approval rating was in the 30s, my nominee for the Supreme Court had just withdrawn, and my vice president had shot someone,' he quipped. 'Ah, those were the good ol' days.' He made light of the prosecutor firing scandal as well, saying, 'I have to admit we really blew the way we let those attorneys go. You know you've botched it when people sympathize with lawyers.' (Politico, Crooks and Liars, Associated Press)
(Via Salon.)