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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Netflix Streaming Gives You What You Want, Right Now

Netflix Streaming Gives You What You Want, Right Now: Netflix is well on its way to fulfilling the promise of digital media: whatever you want, wherever and whenever you want it.

With more than 20,000 movies and TV shows, completely free to subscribers, viewable on more than 100 devices and counting (what’s up, Apple TV?), Netflix is well on its way to fulfilling the promise of digital media: whatever you want, wherever and whenever you want it. But it’s the little touches that really blow us away. Want to pause an episode of 30 Rock on your TV and finish it tomorrow on your computer? You got it. Didn’t catch why everyone’s laughing at Tracy? Just slide the scrub bar to rewind. Blu-ray disc has a 30-day wait? Stream that sucker in HD, right now. Suddenly, checking the mailbox for the little red envelope seems, well, primitive.