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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Jihad at Pioneer Courthouse Square |

Jihad at Pioneer Courthouse Square | But that affadavit notes the following:

-- When Mohamud could not get in touch with terrorists oversees, the FBI contacted him.

-- While Mohamud "spent months working on logistics," Denson's story notes, and "allegedly identified a location to place the bomb," he "mailed bomb components to the FBI operatives, who he believed were assembling the device."  Does that mean Mohamud did not build the bomb?

-- The FBI "operative" was right there with Mohamud on Nov. 4 at "a remote spot in Lincoln County, where they detonated a bomb concealed in a backpack as a trial run for the upcoming attack."

-- And the FBI transported Mohamud to Portland so that he could carry out the deadly bombing.

So, the way this reads, the FBI assisted him any way they could.