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Monday, August 6, 2012

News-Review joins industry standard | The News-Review -

News-Review joins industry standard | The News-Review - The new width coincides with a major change in our newsroom, beginning today. News-Review reporters and editors, photographers and our news clerk have been presented with new Apple computers and they're producing today's newspaper with a new content management system developed by a company called DTI or Digital Technology International, based in Springville, Utah. It uses Adobe products such as InCopy, InDesign and Photoshop.

The entire newsroom has been training on the new system for the past two weeks while putting out the newspaper with the old software, NewsEdit IQue and Quark Xpress.

The newsroom expects to see efficiencies when using the new system becomes routine. A primary advantage will be the ability to prepare stories and photos for the website simultaneously with the print edition. Until now, newsroom staffers have had to manually place all the local news, sports, features and photos on the website on a daily basis.

A newly designed news website,, is expected to be unveiled Aug. 21. It will be optimized for viewing on a mobile phone, tablet or computer.

The new content management system is a major investment in the 145-year-old newspaper. It also brought upgraded software and hardware to our ad production department. All of the designers at The News-Review, whether designing news pages, special sections or advertisements, will use InDesign and the DTI system. That should provide for a more seamless operation.