Porn is unrealistic? What about romance novels!: "
An anonymous woman argues in the National Review Onlinethat pornography destroyed her family.After 13 years of marriage, her husband had an affair with a woman who had 'all the physical qualities of a porn star -- bleached blond hair, heavy makeup, provocative clothing, and large breasts.' Ultimately, she says, 'he succumbed to the allure of the secret fantasy life he had been indulging since his adolescence' and moved out of their house, leaving her to take care of their five kids.Against this backdrop of domestic devastation, she sees the dark, X-rated corners of the Internet as providing 'a drug so powerful it can destroy a family simply by distorting a man’s perception of his wife' and fueling an 'addiction so lethal it has the potential to render an entire generation incapable of forming lasting marriages.'
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