LiteSwitch X 2.7 - Keyboard application switcher. (Shareware): "
LiteSwitch X 2.7

LiteSwitch X follows the tradition of LiteSwitch as a simple solution
for managing open applications using the keyboard. Like its predecessor
which will continue to be available, LiteSwitch X has a clean, simple
and functional style that has become Proteron\'s hallmark. It features
an aquified transparent, resizeable window which is invoked by a
configurable key-combination (default is Apple-Tab). From the pop-up
window the user can switch to any application, hide, quit, or force quit
any application or drag-and-drop files onto any application. Windows
users migrating to the Macintosh can feel more at home having the
Alt-tab functionality returned to them, yet enjoy it in its full Mac OS
X splendor.
for managing open applications using the keyboard. Like its predecessor
which will continue to be available, LiteSwitch X has a clean, simple
and functional style that has become Proteron\'s hallmark. It features
an aquified transparent, resizeable window which is invoked by a
configurable key-combination (default is Apple-Tab). From the pop-up
window the user can switch to any application, hide, quit, or force quit
any application or drag-and-drop files onto any application. Windows
users migrating to the Macintosh can feel more at home having the
Alt-tab functionality returned to them, yet enjoy it in its full Mac OS
X splendor.
Version 2.7:
Other notable changes:
New features:
- The preference pane loads in 64-bit on 10.6
- Pressing command-escape while using LiteSwitch hides the switcher and no longer triggers a system shortcut that uses the same key combo (OS X default is to show Front Row)
- App selection by holding down keys now stops at the end of the list
Other notable changes:
- Added option to switcher window\'s contextual menu to enable/disable display of background apps
- Up and down arrow keys are now an alternate way to show application contextual menus
- Mac OS X 10.5 is now the minimum requirement
Mac OS X 10.5 or later.
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