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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Which sci-fi TV pilots will live and which will die? We take a look

Which sci-fi TV pilots will live and which will die? We take a look: "

It's been a long hard winter, but spring is finally here bringing with it budding flowers, warm weather and the national pastime of trying to figure out which television pilots might be picked up by the networks next month.

The television networks will announce their fall 2009 television schedules soon, and we'll then have an entire summer to stew about it, hoping another Lost or Heroes will invade our homes.

Among the potential new series are plenty of sci-fi and fantasy possibilities. While 71 pilots are being developed, only a few will make it onto the fall schedule. After the jump, our list of the hopefuls, and how they stack up. (This is part one of a two-part article covering pilots from ABC, CBS and NBC. Part two on Fox and the CW's pilots will run tomorrow.)


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