MenuCalendarClock for iCal 2.6.3 - Menu item calendar/clock. (Shareware): "
MenuCalendarClock for iCal 2.6.3

Most features are free to use, some require a registration.
- Adds icon with current date and/or time to the menu bar with iCal schedule and 'to do' items as tool tip
- Shows each days iCal events as tool tip of each calendar day
- Shows daily/weekly/monthly schedule list
- Opens iCal by double-clicking on a date for editing
- System-wide hotkey to open/close calendar drawer
- Shows calendar week
- Lots of preferences to customise look and functionality
- Release versions are available in English, German, Finnish, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Catalan, Russian, Norwegian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese and more.
The basic features can be used freely without strings attached, the advances features require a registration."