Unix turns 40: The past, present and future of the OS | Mac OS X - Page 1 | Macworld: ""
After Watchmen, What’s ‘Unfilmable’? These Legendary Texts | Underwire | Wired.com: ""
Quite a list. Sandman, Dark Knight, Invisibles, Gravity's Rainbow, Neuromancer. Personally, I'm up for The Invisibles.
With new Google Voice, a single number rings all your phones: "Google Voice is Google's attempt to remake how we think of the phone..."
MacDailyNews - http://www.macdailynews.com/
Growing hemp a national right: "The good Government giveth and taketh. The Oregon Senate just passed SB 676, giving Oregon farmers permission to grow and posses industrial hemp, which is used for building material, cloth, cordage, fiber food, floor coverings, fuel, industrial..."
News Review - News - http://www.nrtoday.com
A high-quality image projector on your smartphone? | Geek Gestalt - CNET News: ""
Known as FLCOS, or fast liquid crystal on silicon, the technology is designed to make it possible to project from a relatively small form factor device, and with high image quality and vibrant colors, just about anything you'd want, be it a Disney flick or a complex PowerPoint presentation.
Review: Put Things Off for iPhone: "If you value more powerful task management features, then Put Things Off will offer you very little. But if the complexity of many current task managers leaves you feeling overwhelmed, Put Things Off is an enjoyable way to manage things."
Macworld - http://www.macworld.com
Opinion: Is Facebook past its prime?: "Nobody left to 'friend? Too many friends anyway? Why Facebook when you can Twitter? In the here-today-gone-tomorrow world of social media, these common complaints may mark the beginning of the end of Facebook's enormous popularity."
Macworld - http://www.macworld.com
Rumor: Next-gen iPods to sport video cameras: "PC World's Brennon Slattery looks at rumors that cameras could soon find their way into Apple's iPod offerings."
Macworld - http://www.macworld.com